It was at first integrated with iLife but had to be redesigned later owing to prevailing market demands.
#Upgrade imovie on mac mac os x
This iMovie version released in 2007 was supported by Mac OS X 10 and OS X 10.5. iMovie HD 6 was supported by many systems that included OS X 10.3, OS X 10.4, OS X 10.5 and OS X 10.6.
#Upgrade imovie on mac for free
It was released to the market in 2006, started selling separately but later offered for free downloading. This was the second and only iMovie version produced under the high quality parameters. It was well compatible with key Macs and was purchased separately under the iLife package. This version represented one of the high definition iMovie discoveries with its release in 2005 heralding a new chapter for the software program. Its key operating system was Mac OS X and became part and parcel of the long upgrading history of iMovie. It worked well with the latest versions of Mac but purchased separately. This was integrated to be part of the iLife package and was released in 2004. Mac OS X was its main operating system and was bundled with iLife. At the initial stages of its introduction, iMovie 3 was being purchased separately but it later became free for downloading by all. Released in 2003, this iMovie version was available under all Macintosh platforms thus had no incompatibility issues. The main update from the earlier iMovie 3. This iMovie version was later on integrated with Mac OS X and OS 9. iMovie 2 was available on Macs that were enabled with FireWire but it was purchased separately. It was released a year after iMovie made its grand entry into the market. The success realized by iMovie created a good foundation for the other versions to conquer the market. It works well with OS 9 and OS 8.6 Mac systems while its features were outstanding and an envy of many competitors.

Initially, it was integrated with the iMac DV but later issued for free downloading. This was the pioneer version released in 1999.